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Anxiety Support Wales

Anxiety Support Wales

About Anxiety Support Wales CIC

Anxiety Support Wales CIC, founded by Sarah Dicks and Kimberly Funnell-Phillips, is a lifeline for people in Swansea struggling with anxiety. This community interest company was formed to meet a real need for local support, especially after the challenges brought on by COVID-19 and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

Since February 2021, Sarah and Kim have been working to help both adults and young people manage their anxiety. Through a range of initiatives like the Headfirst Project, Anxiety Warriors, Dynamic Divergents, Mind Your Meno, and the HEADucation project, they’re offering education, resources, and, most importantly, hope.

Their team is made up of trained counsellors, all focused on creating a safe space where people can find the support they desperately need.


Swansea Council and PopUp Wales offer support

Having a physical presence in Swansea was important to the team, and that’s when Swansea Council and PopUp Wales offered support through UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund. They helped Anxiety Support Wales secure an empty unit on Portland Street, right in the City Centre. This spot, a former bank, was chosen for its prime location – it’s a busy area, ensuring the support offered is accessible to anyone who needs it.

PopUp Wales played an important role, not just in negotiating with the landlord but also in guiding the organisation through the maze of legal and health and safety requirements. This once-empty space is now a welcoming and tranquil hub where people can drop in for a chat, counselling, or just a moment of peace.


The impact

The Anxiety Hub has quickly become key part of the community. In just the first week, over 40 people walked through the doors – some seeking immediate help for their anxiety, others looking for support for loved ones. Open Monday to Thursday from 10am to 2pm, the hub is a place where people can get free help without having to wait, something that’s often a rarity in mental health services.

Staffed by qualified counsellors and supported by volunteers with mental health experience, the hub is equipped to offer professional care to anyone who walks in.

They’ve even set up a small shop selling donated items to help cover the running costs, ensuring that the hub can continue to operate and support the community.


Future plans

The impact of the Anxiety Hub has been enormous, and the demand for its services is only growing. “You can drop in, have a cuppa, and talk to someone in a safe space without having to wait. I want to provide this at no cost to the end-user. We even offer free yoga classes,” says Sarah Dicks. This simple offering has caught the attention of local doctors’ surgeries and crisis teams, who want to refer patients to the hub.

But to keep this service going, Anxiety Support Wales need the community’s help.

Donations – whether financial or in-kind – are essential to keep the hub running and to expand its services. Looking ahead, they’re planning to launch new initiatives, like the monthly Men’s Shed and breathwork sessions, to offer even more support. They’re also reaching out for corporate support and donations to keep the hub thriving.


About PopUp Wales

PopUp Wales transforms empty units into vibrant spaces that benefit small businesses, start-ups and the local area. They work closely with local authorities and landlords to breathe new life into town centres, turning unused spaces into places where people can come together, support each other, and grow new businesses. It has already had huge success in Swansea working with Swansea Council with ventures such as the Employment Hub, HQ Urban Kitchen, Dementia Hwb and Greek Flavours. PopUp Wales is an Urban Foundry initiative (Swansea-based experts in meanwhile spaces and urban regeneration).



Anxiety Support Wales Crowdfunder page:

Facebook and Instagram @AnxietySupportWales



PopUp Wales is funded by the UK Government.

September 5, 2024