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Amy Shephard

Amy Shephard

Amy Shephard MA (Sustainable Development), BSc (Hons)

Amy is a Principal Associate of Urban Foundry.

Amy brings specific expertise in research and writing. She has worked across a wide range of projects and evaluations across the UK for clients large and small, and has developed an understanding of the building blocks that make successful projects and programmes. She is an experienced facilitator and works in a way that includes all stakeholders in the design and development of their projects and services.

She has led many evaluations for a wide range of partners and has an MA in Sustainable Development and a BSc (hons) in Biochemistry. She is also a Prince 2 Practitioner and a qualified trainer.

Amy has led work for us with the Office of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Swansea Council, Swansea Council for Voluntary Services, Neath Port Talbot CVC, Bridgend Association for Voluntary Organisations, Natural Resources Wales, Development Trusts Association for Wales, and Wood Knowledge Wales. She has further supported a range of other work for us, including with the Big Lottery, Oxford University and a range of third sector and community projects.

In her spare time she grows vegetables and looks after her ever growing menagerie of animals including two dogs, a cat and three chickens!