“Pirates didn’t just break the rules, they rewrote them. They didn’t just reject society, they reinvented it. Pirates didn’t just challenge the status-quo, they changed everyf*ckingthing”
Sam Conniff Allende, author of bestselling Be More Pirate is coming to Swansea to run a workshop tonight at the former Happy Home Furnishers shop on Castle Street.
This event is the first in a new Urban Foundry initiative called 51.6 – a series of events and activities focusing on what we can accomplish when creativity, knowledge, enterprise and the passion and commitment of people to make a difference all come together.
Be More Pirate will help us to build our own Pirate Code and show us ways to leave our mark on the 21st century. It will unveil the innovative strategies of Golden Age pirates, drawing parallels between the tactics and teachings of legends like Henry Morgan and Blackbeard with modern rebels, like Elon Musk, Malala and Banksy. If we don’t like the world we see around us, the onus is on us to change it.
Tonight is sold out but visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/be-more-pirate-workshop-with-sam-conniff-allende-tickets-58783736739 for any last minute ticket returns.
The next 51.6 workshops are planned for April and May:
In April (date to be announced shortly) we’ll be looking at how to take some control over making our city a greener place.
Then, on May 9th, Tenner4Good’s Matt Callanan will be running a workshop/talk.
Details and tickets for both will be released very soon. Check the 51.6 website for more information:
Thank you to Coastal Housing and Natural Resources Wales for their support of this event.