A few years back we created an academy through our not for profit arm to work with students from University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD). The students work with us on projects making a difference and gain real work experience and skills, as well as contributing to their studies, and we benefit from their creativity, knowledge and enthusiasm. It’s a two-way relationship that works well and that we’ve been growing.
Our home town of Swansea is an exciting place to live and work. It’s on the cusp of great change – especially with the Swansea Bay City Deal in the bag (£1.3bn investment into the region). Graduates have new and exciting employment opportunities available to them, right here in Swansea.
Through our Academy we’ve been lucky enough to work with many UWTSD students over the years, and they have made valuable contributions to our projects. Students from Advertising & Brand, Business, and Event Management courses have worked with us on a wide range of projects such as: Last Clothing; Uplands Market; and Unit Nineteen.
We are currently working with Second Year Event Management student Siobhan Thomas who joined us via the University’s intern scheme. In short, she’s been amazing. Her time with us coincided with the start of Unit Nineteen so she hit the deck running and joined us in launching the project with an event that saw hundreds of people attending. Her positive approach and an excellent work ethic have been a key component in us making the project a reality.
It’s a pleasure to work with such talented young people and as our business grows and evolves, we hope to do more – it’s good for us, it’s good for the students, and it’s definitely good for our home town.